This Quiet Time Journal explains what a Quiet Time is and how to have a Quiet Time. Additionally, it provides a 90 day set of journal pages for Matthew, Mark, Luke, John or Scripture of your choice.
Using these journals, you and/or your daughter can systematically read through one of the Gospels. Similarly, one can read through another portion of Scripture by choosing the Special Edition Quiet Time Journal. Because the Special Edition Quiet Time Journal does not provide a specific reading plan, one can choose whatever portion of Scripture they would like to read. Or, you can use one of the four Gospel reading plans in the back of the Special Edition Journal.
How do I or my daughter use this journal?
First of all, when having a Quiet Time, you pray and ask the Lord to help you understand His Word (Psalm 119:18). Secondly, you read the selection of Scripture for that day. Then, you write out a personally chosen verse from the reading with your own thoughts about the verse. Finally, you talk to God about the verse you have chosen.
Other Information
This product can be used with any Bible translation. If you would like some encouragement for having a daily Quiet Time, read “Feeding Your Soul” or “A Place of Quiet Rest”.
Size: 6″ x 9″
ISBN: 978-0-9882030-4-4
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