Miss Esther loves to study God’s Word with her sisters and friends! She wondered if perhaps your dolls would like to do so too?

Below are simple instructions for creating doll-sized Bible Study Books.

Step 1: Print the Bible Study Printable.

Step 2: Cut out the Bible Study Book covers.

Step 3: Fold the Bible Study Book covers in half to make mini books. You can leave them this way, or proceed to the next step to make them a bit more durable.

Step 4: Cut little pieces of cardboard and glue them inside the Bible Study covers. Once the glue has dried, your Bible Study Books are ready for your dolls to enjoy!

Miss Esther and I hope your dolls have a wonderful time studying God’s Word!

With love and hugs to all the girls and dolls,
Miss Melanie and Miss Esther

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

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