Some trust in their career and some in their good health, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.* Psalm 20:7

Recently I had the privilege to attend a luncheon with business men where a man, Jay Whitmer, shared about his personal hunt for significance. His transparency was palpable and his story electric for the men who listened to his journey these past 18 months. His journey has been one that entailed events that men fear. The first one was the diagnosis of cancer. The second was the loss of his job and an impressive career. Disruptions that led Jay to reevaluate his priorities. In the prime of life, married and with two children; what will be significant when I look back on my life? As Jay has wrestled with these challenges, he is grateful for the opportunity to refocus and reflect on his life. In seeking to define “significance”, he started with what it is “not.”

Significance Is:

• Not success 
• Not safe 
• Not selfish 
• Not solo 
• Not subjective
• Not short


He expanded on each of these with Scripture and/or reflection. Colossians 1:16 has been especially meaningful for him as he seeks to embrace Christ and that all things were created “by Him and for Him.” Jay’s hunger and thirst for God has increased. His proximity to God has grown. His life has changed. Sometimes we get a second chance to alter our course in life. Sometimes we do not. The hunt for significance runs strong in men. The question is what road will I travel when I come to that fork in the road. Knowing “Who” is significant will have a large impact on my choice. A man at our table shared a thought from John the Baptist located in John 3:30. A very good thought…..”He must become greater, I must become less.” Where I put my trust will set my compass in how I respond in the “storms” of life. Life on earth is fragile as well as finite. Eternity is forever. Living in the light of eternity is where I wish to be. Making each day count. In Christ alone I stand.

*Modification to Psalm 20:7

Kirk Thomsen

Kirk Thomsen

Husband, Father and Disciplemaker

"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

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