Looking for a Valentine’s Day activity to enjoy with your older children? Perhaps you would like to consider Scripture Hearts! This activity is suitable for middle schoolers and high schoolers and other children who are very comfortable reading, researching, copying and writing.

The completed Scripture Hearts can be used during family discussion and/or while praying with your family year after year.


Supplies: Bible(s) and Bible Concordance(s), white, pink and red paper, scissors, pens


1. Cut

Cut hearts out of white paper.

Cut slightly larger hearts out of pink and red paper.

2. Find

Encourage your children to search for and find Bible verses that talk about God’s love, using a Bible concordance. This provides a wonderful opportunity for your children to learn how to use a concordance and how to search the Scriptures for themselves.


After finding a Bible verse that talks about God’s love, have your child write the verse he found on a white heart.

4. Repeat

Have your children continue to find and write more Bible verses that talk about God’s love.

5. Glue

Glue each white verse heart onto a larger pink or red heart.

6. Share

Have your children share the verses they wrote on the hearts. Talk about how God’s love is described in each verse.

7. Pray

Pray out loud together. Have each person use the verse on one of their Scripture hearts as a guide as he thanks the Lord for His love.


1. Set the completed hearts down the middle of your kitchen or dining room table as a decoration. Choose one heart to talk about as you enjoy meals together this February.  

2. Place one verse heart on each dinner plate on Valentine’s Day. Have each person read the verse on their heart and then use the verse as they pray and thank God for His love.  

3. Tape the hearts on various doors in your house. Enjoy reading the verses as you pass by them or use the posted hearts as a reminder to stop and tell God “Thank-You” for His great love.


You may want to laminate the completed hearts. Years ago, we laminated the Scripture Hearts our daughters made and I am so glad! These hearts have become a keepsake and we continue to enjoy them year after year.

Emphasis added.

Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV®.
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. ®
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Note: Our family has used the NIV 1984 for many years. This is the NIV version we continue to enjoy.

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Love Is…

Love Is…

February is a great month to help your children understand God’s definition of love found in 1 Corinthians 13. This activity is great for elementary school children or the whole family!

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