Jars of Thanksgiving

Looking for another creative way to encourage your family members to think about and share things they are thankful for this Thanksgiving season? If so, you may like to consider enjoying Jars of Thanksgiving!


1. Collect one small jar and lid for each family member. (Mason jars are a good option.)

2. Put 7 small pieces of paper in each jar. 

3. Collect a pencil or pen for each person.  


A week or more before Thanksgiving, place the jars you’ve prepared on your dinner table, one jar at each person’s place. These jars will be used for at least seven days. On day 1, possibly after your evening meal:

1. Pen Give each person a pencil or pen.

2. Paper Have each person take one paper out of their Jar of Thanksgiving.

3. Question Read one question from the Jars of Thanksgiving Questions out loud.

4. Write Have each person write their response on one of the papers provided.

5. Fold After writing, have each person fold their paper twice so that what they wrote will not show. Then have each person place a number 1 on the outside of the folded paper. Put the folded paper back in the jar.

6. Keep Going! Continue the above directions on days 2-7.


On Thanksgiving day, have each person draw out their folded paper with the #1 on it. Take turns sharing and appreciating what each person wrote down. Continue with paper #2 and so on. 

Idea! On Thanksgiving Day, after all the papers have been drawn and talked about, you may like to give everyone the opportunity to thank the Lord for something they shared.

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Sing Psalm 18:1-2a

The Lord has put a new song of praise in my heart! The words in this song are found in Psalm 18:1-2a. They have brought comfort and encouragement many times over.

It is a joy to share this song with you as a personal testimony that God is truly my Deliverer! Would love to have you read the words of the song and sing along as you reflect on who God is in your life as well. Praise Him!

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Judges 5:31b

“…But let those who love Him be like the sun

When it comes out in full strength.”

Judges 5:31b

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for our families! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word? This practice of using God’s Word in prayer has been such a blessing in my life and I am happy to use God’s Word in prayer with you!

After praying with me using the audio, I would encourage you to write the Bible verse used in prayer on a card. (Two simple 4″x6″ prayer cards are available as a free download, or feel free to use a blank index card you already have.) Your prayer cards can be used again and again as you continue to talk to God in prayer.

Are you praying with me? Send a simple “Praying with you” my way in the comments below.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Judges 5:31b

Judges 5:31b

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for our families! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word?

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Romans 15:5-6

Romans 15:5-6

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for our families! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word?

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Job 32:11-12a

Job 32:11-12a

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for each other as mothers! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word?

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Romans 15:5-6

Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,

That together you may (unanimously) with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Romans 15:5-6

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for our families! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word? This practice of using God’s Word in prayer has been such a blessing in my life and I am happy to use God’s Word in prayer with you!

After praying with me using the audio, I would encourage you to write the Bible verse used in prayer on a card. (Two simple 4″x6″ prayer cards are available as a free download, or feel free to use a blank index card you already have.) Your prayer cards can be used again and again as you continue to talk to God in prayer.

Are you praying with me? Send a simple “Praying with you” my way in the comments below.

Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified Bible Copyright 1965 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Judges 5:31b

Judges 5:31b

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for our families! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word?

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Romans 15:5-6

Romans 15:5-6

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for our families! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word?

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Job 32:11-12a

Job 32:11-12a

On this blog post I welcome you to join me in prayer for each other as mothers! God invites us to call to Him in prayer, and what better way to do this than to pray using the truths found in His Word?

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Scripture Lettering Bible Verse Study

Our daughter Melissa has joined me in putting this Scripture Lettering Bible Verse Study together. And it is a joy to share it with you! Gather your children or your entire family for a simple and fun way to meditate on God’s Word together.

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

How I Love Thy Law, O Lord!

So many wonderful hymns are full of truth from the Scriptures! As you enjoy singing hymns with your children, your children will begin to lay up these truths in their hearts. And these hymns can remain with them, ready in their hearts to one day be sung with the next generation.

Hymns comfort, encourage, lift up our eyes to Jesus and renew our spirits. Let’s keep singing hymns!!

Hymn History 

“How I Love Thy Law, O Lord”, is based on Psalm 119. Psalm 119 was written by the psalmist David. Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible and contains many verses about God’s Word and David’s devotion to it.

Psalm 119 is divided into smaller portions and each portion is named after a letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. “How I Love Thy Law, O Lord” is based off of the verses in the section called “Mem” which is the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Reading the section “Mem” and then comparing it to “How I Love Thy Law, O Lord” shows how closely the hymn follows these Bible verses. Take a look! (start at Psalm 119:97) Whoever adapted this hymn for singing, was evidently meditating on God’s Word.

Another interesting fact is the melody used for this song is also used for the hymn “Come Christians Join to Sing”.

After your children have completed the Hymn Discussion and Drawing Page it can be placed in their individual Bible Time Binders for future reference and enjoyment. This is where the hymn lyrics can also be kept.

Kristen Thomsen

Business Administrator, Mom Blog Assistant & Music Blog Musician

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

Singing I Go

Singing I Go

So many wonderful hymns are full of truth from the Scriptures! As you enjoy singing hymns with your children, your children will begin to lay up these truths in their hearts.

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