
Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out. 

Play “Takeoff!”

Suggested Ages: 4 – 12


1. Runway
Have your children squat down on the floor as if they are an airplane on a runway ready for takeoff. Explain two airport signals. One signal is the word: “Takeoff!” When you say “Takeoff!” they are to pretend to fly like an airplane. The second signal is the word “Landing!” When your children hear you say “Landing!” they are to come in to the runway for landing. (In order to hear your commands, they will need to fly quietly.🙂)


2. Prepare
Say the Bible memory verse while your children listen, waiting on the runway and preparing to fly.


3. Takeoff
When your children hear you say the word “Takeoff!” they can stand up, put their arms out like airplane wings and ‘fly’ around your kitchen table or coffee table or around anything else you choose! When you say “Landing!” they are to fly back to the runway and land, returning to a squatting position.



1. Have your children say the Bible memory verse with you when they have the verse memorized.

2. Make paper airplanes. Have your children fly the paper airplanes when you say “Takeoff!”
When you say “Landing” they can then go and retrieve their airplanes.


This activity is exciting for children and it may be challenging for some to ‘fly’ back to the runway and land on time. You may want to let them know that if their airplane is late in coming in for landing they will have to go into the airplane hangar to be repaired. The “airplane hangar” could be your couch or a chair. They can sit and watch the next takeoff and landing and then play again if you feel they are ready.

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10



Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out.

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Ready, Say, Go!

Ready, Say, Go! is a great activity to enjoy outdoors as you and your children review memorized verses together. 

Play “Ready, Say, Go!”

All Ages


1. Ready
Choose a starting line. It may be the edge of your sidewalk or driveway. Have your children stand behind the starting line.


2. Say
Say the chosen memorized verse together.


3. Go!
After saying the memorized verse together tell your children that when you say “Go!” they are to run to a place you specify in your yard and then touch it. (This could be a tree, the corner of your house, your car, etc.) After touching the designated object they are to come back to the starting line as fast as they can.

Say “Go!” and enjoy watching your children run or you can run with them! Repeat these three steps as many times as you like. You may want to review a different memorized verse each time your children are ready to run again.



1. Take your Memory Verse Cards outside with you for reference.

2. If you have older children and younger children enjoying this activity together, you may want to assign partners, pairing older siblings with younger ones. Encourage them to run together holding hands.

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10



Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out.

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Pop Up!

Ready for another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children?

Enjoy “Pop Up!”

All Ages


1. Chairs

Make a row of chairs. Include one chair for each of your children. Have each of your children sit down on one of the chairs.


2. Pop Up Word

Choose a word from the memory verse to be the “Pop Up Word.” Tell your children the Pop Up Word you have chosen.


3. Pop Up!

Say the memory verse. When your children hear you say the Pop Up Word they are to quickly pop up off their chair and then sit back down again. Choose another word from the memory verse and repeat. Enjoy! 🙂



1. Have your children listen for more than one “Pop Up Word” in a single saying of the verse, popping up each time a Pop Up Word is said.

2. Give the first child in the row the first word of the verse, the second child
the second word of the verse, the third child the third word of the verse, etc. Have your children Pop Up for their word only.

3. Popcorn! Give each of your children a different Pop Up word in varying order along the row. The child at the end of the row may have the first word, the child in the middle may have the second word etc. Again have them Pop Up for their given Pop Up word only. They will look like popcorn popping! Fun!!



1. Once your children have memorized the verse, have them say the verse with you as they enjoy playing “Pop Up!”

2. Always say the Bible memory verse reference before and after the verse. This is important. It will help your children memorize the Bible reference, enabling them to remember where the verse is found and giving them the ability to find it in their Bibles at any time.

3. For variety have your children pick Pop Up Words.

Your children may come up with even more ideas on how to enjoy “Pop Up!” That’s great! This activity can be enjoyed over and over again.

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10



Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out.

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Toss It!

Some little children really enjoy tossing balls and other things. Here is a simple and fun Bible memory verse activity that capitalizes on this interest! 

Play “Toss It!”

Suggested Ages: 2 – 5


“Sock Bags”
Collect pairs of socks. You will need as many pairs of socks as there are words in the Bible memory verse you will say, plus two more pairs for the Bible verse reference. Fold each pair of socks together by putting the two socks inside one of the legs of one of the socks. (See video). These folded socks become “Sock Bags” similar to and instead of “Bean Bags.”

Find a large basket. A laundry basket is great for this activity.


1. Choose
Choose a Bible memory verse.


2. Say
Have your child say the chosen Bible memory verse with you. If you have chosen a new memory verse, have him repeat the Bible reference and each word in the verse individually after you have said them. If he already knows the Bible verse, he can say the verse along with you. Say the verse slowly.


3. Toss
Each time your child says the Bible reference or a word of the Bible verse, have your child toss one “sock bag” into the basket.


Do It Again!

Dump the sock bags out of the basket and start again!

Very Little Child?

Place the basket very close to your child for tossing ‘success.’

Good Tossing Skills?

If your child is a little older, and has developed good tossing skills, you can move the basket further away each time you say the Bible verse together.

Change Location!

For variety, change the location of the basket. You may want to take turns playing this in your family room, the hallway, a bedroom, the kitchen or in the basement. Enjoy!

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10



Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out.

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Jump! Jump!

Looking for a simple and fun Bible activity to enjoy with your little child? 

Play “Jump! Jump!”

Suggested Ages: 2 – 8

Choose a Bible verse your child is memorizing or a Bible memory verse you would like to review.


Idea 1
Tell your child that you are going to say a Bible verse. When he hears you say the Bible verse reference he is to make a BIG jump! Then he is to stand still and listen to you say the Bible verse until you come to the end of the verse. When you say the Bible verse reference again, he is to make another BIG jump.


Idea 2
This is a little harder for very little children, but it is great for encouraging listening and concentration skills. Choose a word in the Bible verse. Tell your child that you are going to say a Bible verse. Tell him to listen for the word you have chosen from the verse. When he hears you say the chosen word in the Bible verse, he is to make a BIG jump and then stop and listen to the rest of the verse!

Idea 3
Keep this idea for when your child knows the Bible memory verse quite well. Say the Bible verse with the Bible reference. Have your child make a big jump each time you say the Bible reference and a little jump for each word in the verse. This idea is great for helping to get “wiggles” out during Bible Time!


Idea 4
When your child can say the Bible memory verse without any help, have him say the verse and you can jump! You could choose to jump for each Bible verse reference, for the words of the verse or for both!

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10



Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out.

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Tall Tower

Ready for a simple and fun Bible Time activity to enjoy with your little child? 

Play “Tall Tower!”

Suggested Ages: 2 – 5
All you need is a Bible verse and some blocks. This activity is great to use with your children’s Bible memory verses.


First Block:
Say the Bible verse reference of the verse you chose. As you do, put one block down in front of your child.
Second Block:
Say the first word of the verse. Have your child place a block of his choice from the block pile on the block you just placed in front of him.
More Blocks:
Encourage your child to continue to add one block to the tower each time you say another word of the verse. Say the Bible reference after saying the whole verse and have your child add the final block.

That’s it!

Do It Again!

Your child may want to build another tall tower! He could build a tower beside the tower he just made while you say the Bible verse again, or he could continue building onto the tower he just made to make it even taller! Enjoy!

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Marian Thomsen

Marian Thomsen

Wife, Mother, Mentor

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10



Here’s another fun way to memorize and/or review a Bible memory verse with your children. This is a great activity when you want to give your children the opportunity to get some wiggles out.

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